Missions, FOR LIFE!
Welcome to the Missions and Charity Department of Elim Church International. The purpose of our department is to reach out by impacting the lives of others through giving, not only financially or materially but also emotionally, psychologically and spiritually. We aid in providing hope for people who need the love and care which Jesus commanded us to show and share with others.
The department is fuelled by the love of God and this is how we define ourselves. We spread our love nationally and internationally. As a church, we have contributed to a number of charities both here and abroad. One of our most recent activities has seen our department send Gift Aid on a number of occasions to Ghana.
Mission has become paramount to our members. We have established partnership with Heritage Academy in Ghana; deploy members of the medical field to partner with Christ for the Rural Missions and our church has joined the Compassion UK group to support the needy in India.
Our help continues to go to Wood World Missions. We have extended to include Elim International Missions, Glory House Ministries (Uganda) and Light House Hospital (Ghana).
Currently, we have established our mission which aims to impact the lives of people in a tangible way. As we “feed the hungry and help those in need” we aim to “make our light shine out from the darkness”. Isaiah 58:10.