Jesus spoke to them, saying, “All authority in heaven and on the earth has been given to Me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations… Matthew 28:18-19
For some, the idea of Christian Discipleship is but a footnote in the lexicon of the Christian experience. However, the importance of discipleship in the scriptures
could not be stated more starkly. The scriptures stress that disciples are “made”. The process is challenging, demanding, exacting but nonetheless commanded by the Lord and thus mandatory. [see Luke 14:27, Luke 9:23, John 15:8, Mark 8:34 and Galatians 5:24]
It has been said that Christianity without discipleship, is Christianity without Christ. Billy Graham captured discipleship perfectly when he said, “Salvation is free, but
discipleship costs everything we have”. The benefits of a discipled life are innumerable, and it would be fair to say that all that God has designed for the believer cannot be fully realised without proper discipleship.
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Discipleship Program
Our discipleship programme at Elim Stevenage has been designed to reflect the urgency of the Lord’s discipleship mandate.
Every member of the church is given the opportunity to work through 19 foundational aspects of discipleship with a designated discipler to enable them. Those whom the Lord discipled transformed the entire world when they lived out the gospel they so powerfully preached.
Here at Elim Stevenage, our Discipleship programmes hopes to play a pivotal role towards you making a similar impact in your day and generation.