Gideon is in the winepress not hiding from the Midianites, but hiding the wheat because for seven years, the Midianites and Amorites wait for the Israelites to till the ground, plant their seeds and then attack when the harvest is due. The Israelites disobeyed God and He allowed their enemies to oppress them.
Gideon has found himself in this season of oppression, that over and over again has convinced him God is not with me. To him, the presence of trials and tribulations was a sign of the absence of God. But we now know according to Isaiah 43:2 NKJV, that He is with us through waters and fire.
For Gideon to think he’s the least of his clan. I don’t think that applies to just his position but also perhaps he’s the one that gets assigned the ‘menial’ jobs. This has caused him to think that’s all he is. But yet, when God formed him, he was created to be a leader, born to defeat the enemies, born to lead the Israelites to deliverance.
I want to remind you, first, as a child of God, trials and tribulations doesn’t mean God is not with you. Secondly, as we serve on our teams, I want us to be intentional about praying for our team members and the Church at large. Pray for the Gideon’s to have an encounter with God and that the greatness of God to be revealed in them. To also know their true purpose in God, because their calling is linked to someone or a nation’s deliverance. Finally, you are equipped to lead your teams by the power of the Holy Ghost, but let us ensure at all times that we depend on His inspiration.
Have a blessed week and God bless you.